World Leader Beth Kallman Werner

Beth Kallman Werner
Founder and President
Author Connections, LLC

New York, NY, USA

Leadership Role: Editor, Marketing Advisor

How Making A Difference: In my professional life I help people share their stories. As an editor I support authors with meaningful, educational, enlightening, and entertaining tales to tell. As a Marketing Advisor I support publishers, businesses, and organizations in their efforts to establish and expand brand presence; communicating messages to carefully targeted masses.

In my personal life I am Advisor to the Board and supremely enthusiastic supporter of 4 Real Women International (, devoted to helping women around the world by encouraging and empowering them to help themselves. "When you touch one woman you change her life, change her family, change her community, and change the world." The philosophy of 4RWI is not to simply feed women, but to teach them to cook. I firmly believe in this mission and have seen first hand the impact it has on every recipient of practical training and support.

Statement you would like to say to encourage others: We are each the hero of our own story; your future is yet to be written.
