Powerful Women Take The Stage: Louann Tung
Personal Vision:
Louann Tung, PhD works with parents and educators who worry about their anxious students. As a certified Positive Discipline Parenting Facilitator and licensed HeartMath provider, Louann leverages her 22 years as a PhD research engineer with the 30 years of spiritual education of students to help all those who work with students take a leap in their teaching skills while transforming their student anxieties into a love of learning and a joy in taking responsibility. Student anxieties at a young age can lead to depression and even suicide in high school and college. Somehow we have become so fixated on getting the best grades, the best schools, and the best jobs, we have lost the joy of learning, living our purpose in life, and seeing our gifts as service to make the world a better place. Motivating children with rewards and punishments are purely external motivators and both create anxieties and expectations. In the words of Jane Nelson author of Posi tive Discipline ‘when children feel good they do good’. When children learn the inner game then they create successful careers from the space of sacred play and pass this along to their children. Mastering the inner game reduces conflict between people which when manifested on a societal level actually manifests as global peace.
Current Projects:
Louann offers experiential workshops and staff retreats where parents and educators learn the secret language of empowering their students with integrity and responsibility. With these new Confident Educator™ and Confident Parenting™ skills, teachers and parents are transformed from worry to confidence to know they have gifted their students with a love of learning and leadership. Louann also supports parents and educators with on-going coaching and building community to hard-wire these skills into habit. In addition she is a partner for the Universal Reading Method which teaches a new simple way of reading where participants experience a whole shift in how they read into something much more enjoyable than traditional memorization of words in just 2.5 hours! Literally a new part of the brain wakes up! Children often experience years of improvement in their reading ability and their overall happiness, confidence and even cooperation vastly improves in a few days. Lack of reading skills closes so many doors to creating businesses that are needed in society. Learning how to read proficiently is a life-long essential skill that everyone needs to live their full potential.
Louann is also a project management consultant on a passive magnetic levitation high-speed train that will drastically reduce fuel costs and air pollution compared to current air travel. She was asked to consult because in her 22-y engineering career at a national lab she was the project manager on proof-of principle of a small prototype of the same passive maglev technology.
Leadership Roles:
Louann’s intention is to share Confident Educator™ and Confident Parenting™ skills and the Universal Reading Method to as many parents, teachers, and students as possible. As a leader, Louann will create programs to train others on how to teach the same methods. These techniques can also be taught to prisoners that have finished their term and are returning to their families. With these powerful life skills, they can not only break the cycle of incarceration but return as leaders to create their own businesses and can pass along these skills to their children.
Community Work:
Currently Louann is a school board member for her son's high school and leading the student environment committee to create a calming indoor environment for breaks between classes and sustainable native plant landscaping for exterior meditative spaces.
She has trained the staff at the school in emotional intelligence, physiology of stress, and source of inner conflict. These were the building blocks to her Confident Educator™ workshop.
Louann is also writing a book called "Dog Lovers Guide: An Enlightening Journey of a Yogi and her Dog." This book is a spiritual guidebook in how our dog companions can guide us on the path to enlightenment and we can become more intuitive with our dogs. This path lead Louann to discover how to eliminate the severe anxieties her dog had by simply changing her diet to vegan.
Recently became a partner for the Universal Reading Method to increase reading skills, comprehension, make learning fun and actually bring a peaceful state of mind!
Leading weekly meetups and workshops on meditation and the 20,000 yr old science of completion which is discovering and dissolving the source of our inner demons which block us from living our full potential and having the life are heart desires.
Honors and Awards:
PWI Connections:
Valeri Bocage is a dynamic magnetic visionary to empower women around the Globe. I first met Valeri at a marketing event after I gave my brief summary of my business to give new educational tools to parents and teacher so that future students can be successful and happy. She approached me and asked me to join PWI so I could not only make my vision a reality not only locally but nationally and globally! Valeri is helping me and each member to make new connections to share our gifts of transformation on a huge way to provide a powerful service of transformation to as many people as possible. In addition, we inspire others to think big and take action. In particular the PWI mission had focused on prison reform and many of our gifts can dramatically change and empower the prisoners so they can return and empower their families and break the cycle of incarceration. We don’t just dream globally, we act globally to create social and economic change!