World Leader Najjiyya Arnold

Najjiyya Arnold
Executive Director
Profiles Unlimited, Educational Foundation

Sacramento, CA, USA

Leadership Role: Non-Profit

How Making A Difference: According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics reveals that African American children are seven and half time more likely than European American children to have a parent behind bars (Pew Center, 2010). Moreover, based on total (prison and non-prison) population African American males are disproportionately represented in the prison of the US prison system. African Americans make up 30% of the US population and yet they make up 60% of the US prison population (Kerby, 2012). One out of every 15 African American males are incarcerated, while only one out of every 106 European American males are incarcerate (Kerby, 2012. Furthermore, greater knowledge of the ways in which incarceration influences the father-child relationship could have significant social impact.

Statement you would like to say to encourage others: Avoid speaking words that contradict our faith or our prayers to God. We don't belittle others or spit venom at them with the same mouths we use to give praise to God.
