Humanitarian Leaders Summit

Women Humanitarian Leaders Summit
Thursday, August 23, 2018

8:45 AM to  3:00 PM
(see agenda for more details)


750 Kearny Street
San Francisco
California, 94108

Parking $15 for attendees

Map Directions

To Become a Sponsor
please call 415-742-5239 OR Mary Rivers at 415-559-6953

Our summit is interactive with workshops and audience participation.  Our goal is that we enhance your life with information, resources and powerful connections that you make a Bigger Impact on society.
~ Valeri Bocage CEO/President PWIC


Leaders Impacting Change, Impacting Lives!

  • Connect with women changing communities
  • Expand and enhance your leadership to make a larger impact
  • Share ideas and information to make a difference.

Who should attend:  Compassionate & Authentic Leaders in Business, Government, Non-Profits, Social Awareness, Education, Technology, Science, and Healthcare who  have projects and/or programs that are making a difference in the lives of others AND women who are looking to start, expand, or be a part of these type of projects or programs.

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Summit Program
Thursday, August 23, 2018

8:00 AM - 8:45 AM
Exhibit Set Up & Connecting

8:45 AM - 9:45 AM

Registration, Relationship-Building, and One-on-One with Leaders!


10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Welcome, Introductions, and Leaders Round Table
Designing How to Make a Bigger Impact

12:00 PM - 12:45 PM

Lunch & Connecting
(Lunch included with Registration)

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Attendees Round Tables
Reports and Collaborations to Make a Bigger Impact

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Collaboration and Connection with Exhibitors, Roundtable Leaders, and Attendees


  • Discover the common and particular issues surrounding at-risk communities, including newly released offenders, the homeless, survivors of domestic violence, and the multitude of other at-risk and underserved communities.
  • Meet and connect with people who are creating and involved with sustainable communities and effective programs that are empowering at-risk lives to build not only their lives but their communities.
  • Learn about initiatives and resources that are contributing towards these programs. 
  • Then, collaborate in roundtable discussions to identify more people, programs, resources, and ideas to expand the success of sustainable communities and effective programs to make a Bigger Impact.
  • Contribute towards an outcome to be measured and reported. You can expand and enhance your leadership to make a larger impact!
You Can Participate In: 
  • Creating Sustainable Communities
  • Eliminating Human Trafficking & Domestic Violence
  • Reducing the Rate of Recidivism
  • Developing Quality Education and Mental Health programs
  • Providing Programs for the Homeless to Receive Food, Shelter, Healthcare, and Jobs
  • Eliminating Hunger and Poverty
  • Other solutions for making positive changes in society

Early Bird Admission:

Members $125  ($150 after July 23)

Guests $135  ($160 after July 23)

For group rates, contact us at

Complimentary Attendance with Annual Membership of $300 or more!!

Click here to become a Member.

To be a sponsor or exhibitor, please email us at or call 415-742-5239 

We look forward to seeing you there!

For more information, call Tendai Jordan at 510-379-8219

or email